Custom commands

With this dialog, you can send or define commands to the remote FTP server. Field of commands contains implicit commands, which can be edited. You can also add a new command - press the button "New command", choose a label (will be displayed in the commands list) and then the text of the command. This text can contain arbitrary string, which will be accepted as a command by the FTP server. Further, you can use following expressions:
  • %f - in the command will be replaced by a file name, which had been selected prior the dialog was opened; you can have several expressions in the command.
  • %[text] - text is a string, which will be displayed when prompting user for text, that will replace this expression in a command.
  • Example:
    site chmod %[Access Mask] %f
    A dialog for entering text (Access Mask) will open. If you enter rw for an example, and have prior selected file1 and file2, following will be sent to the server:
    site chmod rw file1
    site chmod rw file2

    You can send a command without adding it to the list too - by entering the command to the field "Command" and then pressing "Send Command".